Be Great Monday Motivation FI|Amber Dionne

Happy Monday! We are all going to have a productive and happy week. CLAIM IT! Amen. So why not start the week off with a bit of inspiration and motivation.

Last night a new Miss USA was crowned. The winner was Miss District of Colombia Deshauna Barber. She is a 26-year-old Army Reserve officer and IT analyst for the U.S. Department of Commerce. She graduated from Virginia State University in 2011. Barber beat out 51 women for the title. On top of that she did it as a black, beautiful, fabulous, educated queen! So to all my fellow black women out there go be great and unapologetically black! #BlackGirlMagic

Miss USA 2016 Deshauna Barber|Amber Dionne

Image From Deshauna Barber Twitter

This Monday you get two for the price of one! As we all know graduation season is upon us which means great achievements and success. But also amazing commencement speeches. The most recent commencement speech I’ve watched was Steve Harvey speech at Alabama State University. Steve Harvey is one person I’ve grown to love more and more over the years. I’ve listened to his radio show, I’ve watched his talk show, read his books and pretty much anything else he’s on or does. He is just a really genuine, knowledgeable, talented, and inspirational guy. The speech Steve gave at ASU had a lot of great points. Steve speaks about what he’s been through and the lessons he’s learned along the way. That not only makes him a real and upfront guy but a relatable one as well. I for one am always inspired, motivated, or dying laughing after hearing him speak. So below I have some great points from his speech but if you have time to spare I recommend watching the entire speech. It really is good!


Have a fabulous Monday

Amber Dionne

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1 Comment

  1. […] if you seen my Monday Motivation blog post last week I posted a video of  Steve Harvey’s commencement speech at ASU. I think […]

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