Change & Come Together We Are The World FI|Amber Dionne

Hey People!

Happy Wednesday! It’s the middle of the week. The weekend is almost here. Yay!

So you guys know how on my Monday Motivation posts I say we occasionally may need a “pick me up” throughout the week? Well I needed a pick me up on Tuesday night when I was trying to come up with a post for today. I was reading through my notes, watching YouTube videos, reading articles and other blogs, and scrolling through my various social networks. Then, VOILA! I found a cute and funny video on Facebook that I had to share. Check it out below! (It is about 5 minutes but worth the laugh!)

Video From YouTube By Rhett LeCompte

I say this video was a “pick me up” because it not only helped me be able to have a post today. But it also consisted of one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs (Done in a cute, funny, and creative way) and it inspired me or should I say sort of gave me an epiphany about just how relevant this song is to today’s society and world around us and a solution we should consider for solving it. The lyrics alone explain and point out in a huge way how we need to stand together as one, help others, and more. The song was also able to bring together more than 40 artists from various genres to create a historic and amazing song. I think that is absolutely amazing! I also believe that today that wouldn’t be able to happen. So many artist and just people in general can’t seem to come together and collaborate in that magnitude because of ego, selfishness, and much more. When in actuality if we are able to “check our ego at the door”, understand and respect each others differences, and realize that working together and helping those around you is beneficial because you reap what you sow (So plant good seeds! Be Positive!). We will then ultimately be able to come together as one, prosper and flourish, and make history.

So remember what the song says…!

“We can make a better day!”

Amber Dionne


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