
Hey Welcome to my Blog!

I’ve been talking about starting a blog since the beginning of 2015. Needless to say, it is now 2016 and I have FINALLY decided to make an official post and ACTUALLY publish it! What took so long you ask? That’s a question a few others have been asking for a couple of months now and I have been trying to figure out myself. My brief response or should I say lie, up until a few weeks ago has been “I’m trying to do as much research and preparation as possible.” But in all honesty I’ve been pushing it off because I was constantly doing research on “How to Start a Successful Blog” and seeing tons of amazing blogs or meeting other people with blogs. So of course, the question that arose in my head was “How can I make my blog just as good as theirs or even better?”  I pondered on this question for months and it continuously lead to me pushing off the date of releasing my blog.


Until last week when I was taking a shower (Hahahaha! A place where a ton of my ideas originate) and I was able to be completely honest with myself and say “You aren’t starting your blog because you’re letting a fear of failure blind you of something you really want to do, you’re also already trying to start off in a place that took others probably years to get to, and if you don’t start today you could miss your opportunity.” After that I was ready and more motivated to start!


I said all of that to give you a little background but my main goal was to inspire at least one person. If you are afraid of going after one of your goals or you’re having doubts. I say! Go for it because what do you have to lose. I’ve learned some of the best lessons and have gained a ton of strength, motivation, and resilience through failure and obstacles.
So I am beyond excited to start my adventure as a blogger with you guys along for the ride!

Remember to go for it!

Amber Dionne

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