PUSH Acronym

Keep Pushing Quote

This past weekend after I posted my Friday blog, I’d been trying to figure out what I was going to do for today’s post (actually this entire week). Typically, I get my inspiration for a post or start working on a post the week prior. So that means the content for this week would have been inspired and motivated by the events of last week or I would have something prepped and ready to go for this week. In all honesty I had ZERO inspiration, no ideas, and my self-motivation was lacking for the content ideas for this week blog posts. On top of all that, I was also thinking “why in the world did I say I’d post three days out the week? I might be trying to do and manage a little too much.” The funny thing is I still knew I’d get up Monday and force myself to post something even if it was sweet and simple. BUT, when I woke up this morning I was inspired! I’m sure many of us that believe in the power of God have had many of those moments where you look up and say “I know that wasn’t anybody but you God. Thank you!” That was definitely me and my sentiments this morning. I woke up and deviated from my typical morning routine (which consist of not having time to do anything but get ready) and went on Snapchat. Usually I pick and choose which stories I want to watch but with the new update I just let them all play.

Derrick Jaxn(I recommend following him on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube (@DerrickJaxn). He has a lot of great content. Keep in mind it isn’t for everybody though)

It started playing Derrick Jaxn whose snap really caught my attention and was relatable and inspired me this morning. He was saying how he wasn’t worried about the dollar amount or fans he’d accumulate when he first started out. How he does what he does because he wants to leave an impact, he wants his life to matter, and have some significance. So he went on to say how in 2012 he started with very little support. He only had a handful of people that shared, liked, or commented on his stuff but he just kept going. Now a couple years later and he has been on national television, acknowledged by celebrities, has millions of views on videos, and he does it for a living. He said he thinks about what would have happened if he had given up in the beginning when nobody was listening and only a handful of people were liking, commenting, sharing, and caring about him and what he had to say. He said “one thing is for sure he wouldn’t be where he is now and for anybody else who is just starting out don’t quit. You have to keep going! Although you may feel like a small fish in a big pond and everybody is swimming past you.” He said people pay attention to consistency and when you have their attention make the most of it and stay on their mind so they’ll come back for more. Everybody starts out with a few people and they grow and go from there and stay consistent.

Consistency Success Quote

So I encourage anybody who is just starting out with any goal to keep going. No matter what the circumstances may be, no matter how much support you have, and no matter how many challenges you face. You have the ability to achieve anything you work hard and stay consistent at accomplishing. The results will follow in due time.

You got this,
Amber Dionne

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