Hey Beautiful People!


I’ve been MIA. I know! You all will find out why eventually. I’ve got a lot of great things coming up on the blog for you all. I’ve been brainstorming and creating and planning. So, I’m excited you all should be as well!

So, I want to introduce a new Monday post series. Typically, I’d do a #MondayMotivation post but I want to try something new! We are going to call the new Monday post series #MomLifeMonday. I’ll of course still do #MondayMotivation post as well from time to time. But I want to introduce #MomLifeMonday post because I’m a new first-time young mom with a lot of experiences and stories already that I’d love to share with new and future moms. So, like always I hope to inspire, motivate, and help!

So, for this first #MomLifeMonday blog post I want to share this Instagram post below with you all.

MomLIfeMonday | Amber Dionne

I seen this post the other week and I thought it was hilarious. If you follow me on Instagram you know that my daughter turned one on July 9th. We celebrated on July 14th you can check out the birthday vlog/video here. But yes, my princess is one. So that means I officially have a toddler. So this post was slightly relatable and understandable.

It feels like just yesterday I had a precious little baby that could barely do anything. Now she walks, talks, plays, and much more.  She also may just be one but she has a very unique and goofy personality and attitude similar to mines which is so amazingly hilariously scary.

The “baby stage” honestly goes by soooo fast. Literally like the blink of an eye. The ‘baby stage” was not at all as tough as people make it seem. But I’m sure that depends on the child. Ashton was great! She’d sleep through the night and she rarely ever cried as a baby (so funny cause now she does the spoiled brat whine like five times a day lol).

Along with the spoiled brat whine I mentioned. My little toddler loves to demand and boss everyone around. It is literally her way or the highway. She’s so smart and also tries to be very independent. So, I can definitely relate to the post. Each day with a toddler is definitely always interesting, different, and exciting.


Have a marvelous Monday beauties!

Amber Dionne

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