Princess Diaries | Amber Dionne

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Hi All,

I know you all were anticipating an update on life, where I’ve been, and why I haven’t been writing. That post will be made in due time. Today however I have a midweek motivation pick me up.

Many of you that have been following me know I have two little ones. My daughter who is four loves Disney movies. I grew up watching Disney so it’s great watching new and old movies with her. Last night, instead of us watching our usual two new favs Encanto and Turning Red. I put on a new movie my daughter hadn’t seen and that was The Princess Diaries. I hadn’t seen the movie in years so it was great rewatching it. It was a particular part that really stood out to adult me because it was such a powerful message if you understood it. Check the clip out below!

Clip From Learn English YouTube

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

That quote was a great reminder and eyeopener. Depending on your outlook and perspective the quote can be understood various ways. For me personally that quote was right on time because this past week I had been dealing with a situation where individuals actions were pushing me to react, say, and vibrate on such low frequencies. Hearing that quote while watching the movie was like a BOOM! Aha! moment for me because I was reminded DO NOT LET ANYONES WORDS OR ACTIONS AFFECT YOU! YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE AND YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS! Words and thoughts only have meaning when you attach emotion to it. Be unyielding to others unhappy thoughts and emotions. Do not give others the power to take your happiness, focus, vision, positive energy, or power PERIOD! Stand firm in who you are, your beliefs, and your power. NO ONE KNOWS YOU BETTER THAN YOU! Do not conform or consent to others views and opinions of who you are, what you are doing, and what you know and believe. Stand up for yourself always and let no one walk all over you. You are equipped with strength, courage, motivation, and are capable of more than you think and know. Find your strength and voice and stand on it!

Stay Pretty and Positive!

XOXO Amber Dionne

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