Take The Lead FI | Amber Dionne

Hey babes!!

Happy Monday! I hope your weekend was amazing. I celebrated my 21st birthday this past weekend, so my weekend was great! I’ll be sharing more photos from my shoot and some of what I did, so be on the look out for that later! 

But today is Monday so you know I have some positivity to help you get through this week. If you read my post last week then you know that I had two poems from Najwa Zebian. Well today I have another one of her poems to share with you guys. Lol! Can you tell I’m a huge fan now? 

Take a look at the poem below!


I think this poem is a great reminder for a lot of us. I know I’ve been in a place before where I wasn’t making decisions because they were best for me or what I wanted to do. I was doing things and making decisions because I thought that it would make everyone else around me happy and I knew that the decisions I made would be something those around me would approve of and applaud. I’m here to tell you constantly making decisions to please others will make you so unhappy. So! Take the lead and choose how your life is going to be. 

Have a bomb week beauties!
Amber Dionne

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