Hey Loves!

I was recently nominated for The Liebster Award by the gorgeous DeMicia (Micia) from Micia Girl!

Be sure to check out her blog! Here’s the link: https://www.miciagirl.com/

The Liebster Award is an awesome way for new bloggers to be recognized and welcome them into the blogosphere. I’m excited and honored that Micia nominated my blog for The Liebster Award! I hope to continue to inspire more and more people through Amber Dionne.

The rules of the award are as follows:

  1. Thank whoever nominated you and link their blog
  2. Provide 11 facts about yourself
  3. Answer the 11 questions from whoever nominated you
  4. Provide 11 questions for your Liebster Award nominees to answer
  5. Inform your nominees via social media
  6. Display the award on your blog!

11 Facts About Me

  1. My favorite color is baby blue and pink.

2. I’m a homebody.


3. My favorite restaurant is probably Outback but I LOVE to EAT so I’ll try a new place any day if the reviews are good.

4. I have two younger sisters, aged 13 and 15.

5. I’ve watched about every show and movie on Netflix. Netflix

6. I know almost every Trey Songz song. He’s one of my favorite artist.

7. I can’t sing AT ALL but I sing all the time.


8. In high school I was apart of the Legal Studies Academy for three years (sophomore, junior, and senior year).

9. I like to watch sports particularly basketball and football. But please don’t ever ask me to play any sport.

10. I’m a Scorpio

11. I’m obsessed with online shopping.


My Answers To Micia

  1.  If you could reside anywhere in the world, where would you live? If I could reside anywhere in the world I’d probably live in Dubai. Lately I’ve seen a lot of pictures and videos from people who’ve visited Dubai and I think it’s absolutely beautiful.
  2. What is your favorite Novel and why? My favorite novel is probably The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald which was the best and only novel I can remember reading in school and Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks because I love a good romance story.
  3. What is  your favorite thing to cook? My favorite thing to cook at the moment is probably spaghetti but I absolutely love to eat so I like to cook and try new things all the time.
  4. What is your blogging process? I really don’t have a blogging process. Usually I come up with ideas and get inspiration at random times throughout my day and I just start writing my motivational and inspirational post like that. As far as fashion and beauty posts the shoots are planned after I go shopping for new clothes and products I think are good.
  5. Have you interacted with any celebs on Twitter? Share! I’ve been on Twitter since 2009 and can’t remember interacting with a celeb aside from a few following me.
  6. What are your 3 favorite movies? My three favorite movies would have to be any of the Fast and Furious movies, Taken 1,2,&3, and Batman Begins. That’s technically more than three but ugh..yeah!
  7. What podcasts are you currently listening to? I don’t really listen to podcasts that often but I do really like The Nelly Shay.
  8. What is your current fav TV show? My current favorite TV show…..I have a lot but I’ll say my newest favorite is Lethal Weapon.
  9. Do pineapples go on pizza? Sugar or salt on grits?  No! No! No pineapples on pizza! And I got to have salt on my grits. I’ve actually never tried it with sugar though so idk if I’m missing out on something great.
  10.  What is your favorite place to shop? My favorite place to shop probably would be WantMyLook, Fashion Nova, and Charlotte Russe.
  11. What is your favorite season? My favorite season would probably be spring. Although I stay in Florida and it’s mainly always hot…in the spring we may have some hot days, some cold days, and some days where it feel just right.

My Questions For My Nominees

  1. Which one of your blog post is your favorite? (Provide a link please!)
  2. What is your best childhood memory?
  3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
  4. What do you like to do in your free time?
  5. What motivates you?
  6. What are your social media handles you want us to follow you on? (Shout-out your Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
  7. What inspired you to start your blog?
  8. Do you have any advice for people considering staring their own blog?
  9. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be?
  10. What song can you play on repeat all day?
  11. Pick one photo with a good story and tell us!

My Nominees

Jessica- Pure Jess

Treasa- Sincerely Didi

Lyndsey- Lyndsey Camille

Nashai- Butta Blog

Ashantia- Pretty Girl In College

Hope your Monday is marvelous!
Amber Dionne

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  1. Yay! Congratulations on your nomination! I’m pretty obsessed with Netflix too. I LOVE it!! :]

    // itsCarmen.com

    1. Hahahaha good to know I’m not the only one. Thanks for checking out my blog!

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