Hey Guys,

So the other week, one of my favorite YouTubers Missy Lynn put up an Instagram post that made me have a “Yesss honey! PREACH!” moment.  This is what she said….

I read that and immediately had to repost, like, share, and all.  She said everything many women needed to hear and be reminded of every once in a while.  I’ll admit I read this and was like I’ve been there and done that (went back and almost settled for less) and of course I’ve seen many others do the same thing.  I mean what woman hasn’t made the mistake at least once, of allowing behavior and treatment that doesn’t meet her standards. Why is it that we get so hung up on potential?  Why is it that we grasp and hold on so tight to that glimpse of hope? Why do we settle for less than we deserve? I have my own personal answers to those questions and I’m sure everyone does because the answers may vary based on the person and situation. Regardless of the answers, we have to know and continuously remind ourselves just how valuable and worthy we truly are. You teach others how to treat you. You have to demand that you be treated with respect. You have the power to stay and accept mediocrity or leave. Don’t ever put your feelings aside and on the back burner for anyone else. We are so quick to pick apart everything else and dispose of broken things so quickly these days. But when it comes to guys and relationships we’ll hold on, try to fix, and try to change everything. When sometimes in actuality we need to just let it go. Nothing that’s truly meant to be should have to be forced. We have to remember to be clear and demand what we want in a man and from a relationship. If you don’t know that or if a man doesn’t want to give you what you need don’t get into a relationship. Don’t waste your time and energy on the wrong guy or settling for less than you deserve. The right one will come along and give you all of him and beyond.

Also I know another huge part of settling is because the annoyance of having to go through the process of getting to know a new person. But honestly wouldn’t you rather fully get to know an amazing guy instead of going in circles and settling for half or pieces of that old guy.

Remember “We accept the love we think we deserve.” – Stephen Chbosky So be sure that the love you accept is extraordinary and true!

Settling Quote|Amber Dionne

Don’t Settle,

Amber Dionne

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