Self-Worth | Happiness Quote

Self-Worth is defined as the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person. The way you see yourself and assess your self-worth is very important. Society places value on outward appearance of a person like money, career, physical appearance, possessions, and much more. But places little value and consideration on the grander values of a person like love, forgiveness, kindness, respect, integrity, and much more. This distorted view is what a lot of people cling to and use to define their worth. Those shallow things society uses to place value should not be factors in any way. Your self-worth should be completely separate of them. Don’t get me wrong success, money, looking good, and all those things are great but you definitely should not be doing them in order to feel better about yourself. Self-worth is something every one struggles with at one time or another and possibly even forever. YES! I said everyone! It doesn’t matter women, men, teens, adults, black or white, rich or poor everyone deals with the issue of self-worth.

Self-Worth | Value Quote

Often times we question our self-worth because we are looking at our past and we base our future off of what has happened to us. You ask yourself questions like, am I worthy? Can I have that kind of success? Or can I have that kind of love? I’m here to tell you the answer to those questions is YES! You are worthy of every single blessing that is on its way to you. You are enough and have always been enough!

Self-Worth | Know Your Worth Quote

Many struggle with self-worth because you’re constantly trying to be who others want you to be or we simply give up on ourselves. What you should know is that you have the capacity to achieve and do more for yourself and your life. Some just choose not to be in charge of their destiny because of the fear that you have to change, you have to get your life together, you have to take responsibility for yourself, your life, and your stuff. You have to know that sometimes in order to achieve and be all that you are supposed to be, you have to be willing to change. Whether that change be friends, cities, relationships, jobs, or your outlook on things. Plus! Who wants to be stuck doing the same thing day in and day out, settling for less and being miserable for their entire life.

Self-Worth | Learn Your Worth Quote

You have to keep in mind your worth has nothing to do with anybody else but you. You can’t allow other people to make you feel or believe that you aren’t enough. I can assure you that you are enough, who you are matters, what you think matters, and YOU MATTER! Don’t dim your light for acceptance, don’t dim your light due to others insecurities, and don’t dim your light due to others perceptions of you. People that truly value you will not let you forget how special you truly are, they won’t make you feel bad for being who you are, and they will inspire you to be a better you.

Thema Davis Self-Worth Quote

Be protective over what you accept and allow into your life. You have to know your worth even if others don’t. You let people know what you will tolerate. So if people aren’t respecting you they need to exit! People learn how to treat you based off of what you continuously accept from them. DO NOT TOLERATE OR LET OTHERS GET COMFORTABLE WITH DISRESPECTING YOU OR MAKING YOU FEEL LESS THAN YOU TRULY DESERVE.

Self-Worth |Don't Tolerate Disrespect Quote

Think of this analogy used by Dr. Christina Hibbert for a minute. Dr. Hibbert was asked “When you define “self-worth,” you say we need to understand “who we really are.” What exactly do you mean by “who we really are?”” Her response was “Think of a child. You know how they just believe they’re good and lovable and valuable? They “know who they really are.” I was at a field trip yesterday and the leader asked, “Are there any artists in the room?” Almost every hand went up. That’s not because they have had experiences that tell them they’re good artists or even because they’ve somehow proven it to the world—they’re only 5! They believe they’re artists because they simply know they are of worth and have great potential. They haven’t had a chance yet to believe otherwise. We need to get back to that childlike sense of who we are, that deeper knowing that we matter just because we are.”

I challenge you to try and get back to that childlike sense. I challenge you to dig deep and do a little self-discovery, tell yourself or remind yourself that you matter just because you are.

You are human and you were designed to achieve and succeed. Shine bright and show the world who you truly are and inspire others to do the same.

You are priceless,
Amber Dionne

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